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Handles for Microbiology

Microbiology is the science that studies microscopic living beings, that is, those that can only be observed with the help of a microscope.

Microbiology is divided into several disciplines that study each taxonomic group of microorganisms. Some are not actually microorganisms, but their study is based on microscopic structures.


  • Bacteriology (bacteria)
  • Mycology (fungi)
  • Virology (virus)
  • Parasitology (protozoa, helminths, insects, mites, others)

Types of Microbiological Loops and Their Use

Handles for Bacteriology

Straight or threaded handle - Not calibrated

It is used to transfer a single colony to identification media, or subculture.

Straight Nichrome Handle

Ring or loop handle – Calibrated

They are usually made of nichrome wire. They are used for streak sowing and inoculations in general.

Handle with calibrated ring

Platinum ring handle – Calibrated

To take 0.001 ml, for urine culture

Calibrated Platinum Ring Handle

The bacteriological loop is a laboratory instrument of the type of clamp that consists of a base that can be made of nichrome, tungsten or platinum that ends in a ring or a point. It is used to transport, drag or transfer inocula (small volume containing microorganisms in suspension) from the working solution, also called "mother solution" to the culture medium (solid or liquid) or from one medium to another (reseeding). It is also used to perform smears.

Bacteriological loops must be completely closed, with a diameter of no more than 3 mm, and with a stem no longer than 5 cm. They must be held in metal handles, not glass.

The amount of inoculum that is passed through is determined by the diameter of the final ring of the filament, which is calibrated and normally ranges between 0.1 and 0.001 ml.


  • Colorless – Not Calibrated
    • Uncalibrated straight tip
  • Black Color – Calibrated
    • Measurement: tip diameter 1/100 5mm
  • Red Color – Calibrated
    • Measurement: tip diameter 1/1000 3 mm

Handle for Mycology and Microbacteria

Spatulate handle

For handling hard colonies and taking samples.

Spatulated Handle

Thick wire “L” handle

For purifying fungal colonies and special procedures.

Thick Wire Handle L

Dissecting needle with sharp tip

To purify small colonies and distribute fresh mushroom preparations.

Dissection needle with sharp tip

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Mónica Núñez - May 2, 2022

Muy buenos días, Soy especialista en productos de microbiología en Biotec del Paraguay. Somos uno de los mayores distribuidores de productos sanitarios y de diagnóstico con varios años de experiencia en licitaciones públicas y ventas privadas. Estamos interesados en asas metálicas calibradas y si podríamos distribuirlo aquí en Paraguay.
Cuales serían las variedades de asas con la que cuentan y sus precios?
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Oscar Guillermo García Cerpa - May 2, 2022

Muy interesante, solo soy un aficionado y no sabía que habían tantos tipos de asas. Gracias.

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